Shipping Policy

Order Processing: Once you place an order with Rain Me Bows, we begin processing it immediately. Our typical dispatch time is between 2 to 4 business days. Please note that once your order is placed, we are unable to make changes, cancel, or alter it.

Shipment Confirmation: Expect to receive a shipment confirmation within 2-4 business days. Our logistics partners will then take approximately 3-7 days to deliver your order, depending on your location.

Address Accuracy: It is crucial to ensure that your shipping address is accurate during the checkout process. Once the order is confirmed, we cannot make changes to the address details. If you realize there is an issue, please reach out to us promptly.

Contact Information: For any inquiries or concerns related to your order, contact us as soon as possible. You can reach us via Instagram at @rain_me_bows or email us at

Lost Packages: Rain Me Bows is not responsible for lost packages resulting from incorrect addresses and contact number provided by customers. Double-check your shipping details to ensure a smooth and successful delivery.

Issues with Received Orders: If you encounter any problems with your order upon receipt, please contact us. We are here to assist you and ensure your satisfaction with Rain Me Bows products.

Thank you for choosing Rain Me Bows. Your happiness is our priority.